Author's Guide



Deadline for the Submission of Full Papers: 31st December 2024  


The 2024 Research and Development Conference invites the submission of empirical and conceptual manuscripts for consideration for publication in its Conference Proceedings. Please Register to enable you to submit a paper and ensure you comply with the Author Guide. All author (s) are strongly encouraged to comply strictly with the guidelines. Those who fail to do so risk desk rejection.   


  1. Empirical Papers

Empirical research manuscripts should be structured as follows: 1)Title, 2)Abstract, 3)Keywords, 4)Introduction, 5)Literature review, 6)Methods, 7)Results, 8)Discussion (you may merge results and discussion), 9) Conclusions, and 10)Implications of the study (for policy, practice and theory. Conclusions and implications may be combined), 11)limitations and areas of further research, 12)Declarations (declaration of competing interest, ethical considerations, funding etc.)[if any] and 13)References. Please note that the results and discussion could be combined or presented as separate sections.

  1. Conceptual Papers and Systematic Reviews

While this structure is flexible, 1)the introduction (including the problem and objectives/questions), 2) the literature review, 3)methods, 4) Results/Discussion, 5)conclusions and 6)implications must be provided. 


  1. Title
    The title of the manuscript should be brief, and clear and reflect the content of the manuscript.
  2. Abstract
    A short abstract of no more than 200 words should immediately precede the introduction. It should give the synopsis of the title, problem/theme, methods, findings/arguments and conclusion(s).
  3. Keywords
    Authors should also provide 5 keywords (separated with a semi-colon [;]) that align with the subject matter of the article.
  4. Introduction
    It should expand on the abstract, provide background and guide the organisation of the paper.
  5. Literature Review

This should cover a detailed current body of knowledge on the subject under investigation. It should discuss the relevant concepts and theories that support the argument for the paper. It should be current and critically discussed; not descriptive. The literature, in general, should give a clear snapshot overview of the existing body of knowledge in the subject area under consideration. 

1. This should specify and argue for the methods that were considered for the data collection and analysis. In the case of empirical studies, it should unambiguously present the study area, sample size determination, sampling procedures, and data analysis techniques.

  1. The content should show a clear, cohesive and unified line of argument. It should demonstrate that the conceptual and theoretical contribution is based on extensive, recent and methodologically sound empirical data. The manuscript should clearly explain the research ethical principles used.
  2. Results

Present and interpret your results in clear language. Mention table/figure numbers in referring to them. Do not say figure/table 1 below or above suggests…..      

  1. Discussion

This answers the questions 1. How do your findings compare with the existing literature? Do they confirm or disconfirm and why? What plausible inferences could be drawn from the results?

  1. Conclusions

Rehash the aim of the paper and demonstrate whether that was achieved and in what way. Is the gap(s) in literature addressed? What are the unique takeaways from your study? 

  1. Implications of the study (for practice, policy or theory)

The implications must emerge from your conclusions. Bring out the important points from your study and their implications/recommendations for practice, policy or theory. What recommendations are suggested in line with the conclusions made and why are they important or consideration?

  1. Limitations and Areas of Further Research

What weaknesses are inherent in the paper, conceptually or methodologically? Does this affect the quality of the results? What could be done in future studies to address this limitation? 

  1. Declarations

Declaration of competing interests, ethical considerations, funding etc.

  1. References

APA version 7 should be used for both intext and end-of-text referencing.  



English Language

Use British Standard English

Illustrations/Figures: All necessary illustrations such as photographs, diagrams and charts should be referred to as figures and given Arabic numerals numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text. All figures should appear in the text each with a numbered title beneath it. For example, Figure 1: Student statistics by sex and school. Titles of figures should appear at the bottom of the figures but outside the figures. Source of figures should also be provided.

Tables: Tables should be kept to a minimum and include only essential details. All tables should be numbered followed by the title e.g. Table 1: Student statistics by sex and school. Titles of tables should appear at the top of the table but outside the table. No gridlines within the table. The table should be referenced in the text and appear in the appropriate section within the text. Sources of tables should be provided and should appear at the bottom of the table.

Headings and subheadings should be in bold print and presented as follows:
Level 2- Bold Lower Case.
Level 3- Bold Lower-Case Italics, etc.

Fonts, font size, line spacing and margins
Manuscripts, in English only, must be typewritten with a font size of 12-point doubles paced in Times New Roman. The margins of manuscripts should be specified as follows:
• Left = 1.5”
• Bottom = 1”
• Right = 1”
• Top = 1”

The body text should be JUSTIFIED
Headings should be LEFT aligned only.

Footnotes and Endnotes
NOT accepted.

Submission Format
Submission of manuscripts is electronic (MS Word). The minimum and maximum word limit for a manuscript are 6000 and 8000 respectively including references. The submission should contain the following:
(a) Title Page: The cover page should contain the title of the manuscript, author’s name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone numbers, and institutional/departmental affiliation.
The corresponding author must be identified on the cover page. Also, any acknowledgement should be included in the title page and NOT in the main manuscript.

(b) Main manuscript should contain only the title and content of the manuscript (paper). No author’s/authors identity information should appear on any page of the main manuscript.

Processing Fees
A processing fee is charged when a manuscript is accepted for publication in the proceedings. Authors will therefore be required to pay a non-refundable article processing fee of only GHS 800.00 (for local authors) or USD 150.00 (for foreign authors). This will be used to pay for the production cost at WOELI Publishing.



  1. Authors who have submitted abstracts to the Research and Development conference and presented them shall have the opportunity to submit their full papers for consideration. Visit
  2. All papers received for consideration shall go through a rigorous double-blind review process. The publication of your paper is dependent on reviewers finding it suitable for inclusion in the proceedings.
  3. Authors whose papers are accepted for publication must pay an article processing fee of only GHS 800.00 (for local authors) or USD 150.00 (for foreign authors).
  4. The deadline for submission of full papers is 31st December 2024.



Crisis-induced financial anxiety, social support, sociopsychological wellbeing, and commitment to work in the tourism sector

Issahaku Adam a,* Elizabeth Agyeiwaahb, Frederick Dayourc

a Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Cape Coast, Ghana

b Business School, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

c Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Ghana 

Modelling perceived information technology (IT) risk as a third-order latent construct and its effect on satisfaction

 Frederick Dayour a,b

aDepartment of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Wa, Ghana

bSchool of Tourism and Hospitality, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa