Factors impacting on effective implementation of land title registration – a perspective from Ghana





Land registration, re-engineering, business processes, information management, Ghana, Kumasi, Accra


Many governments across Sub Saharan Africa are in the process of introducing or improving land registration and formal titling systems. One of the stated aims is to achieve modern land information management in order to facilitate the development of the land market. It is often assumed that, because formal systems and institutions have enjoyed some positive outcomes in terms of realising wealth in developed countries, they will succeed equally well in developing economies. However, findings from empirical studies across several developing countries show that the performance of formal land registration systems has been mixed. Relying on empirical data from two major cities in Ghana, this paper examines the operations of land registration system with particular reference to its land information management aspects. The analysis shows that a divergence in the implementation of principles of the legal framework and organisational challenges are major contributory factors to deficiencies in the land information regime of the land registration system. Hence, there is a need for effective implementation of well-crafted and functional legal frameworks for land registration, to ensure that the principles and operations of land registration are locally relevant and sensitive. To address the inadequate organisational capacity there is a need to improve the capacity of the human resource base of the officials of the formal land administration sector. The procedure for land registration must also be streamlined in order to eliminate unnecessary requirements and thereby reduce the transaction time, costs of registration and frustration of clients.


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How to Cite

Quaye , B. A. (2020). Factors impacting on effective implementation of land title registration – a perspective from Ghana. Journal of Planning and Land Management, 1(2), 23–37. https://doi.org/10.36005/jplm.v1i2.25



Land Management