Exploring the scale and scope of community policing in North-Western Ghana


  • John Peter Okoro Department of Governance and Development Management, Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Wa, Ghana
  • Ernest Bagson Department of Local Governance and City Management, Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies Wa, Ghana
  • Emmanuel Kanchebe Derbile Department of Planning, Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Wa, Ghana




Community policing, Urban safety, Crime control/prevention, Co-production, Wa Municipal, Ghana


Global urban population growth appears to challenge governments’ ability to ensure access to essential urban services, such as policing. This situation is impeding the achievement of SDG target 11.1. However, citizens’ role in co-producing safe and secure neighbourhoods has been instrumental in augmenting limited governments’ efforts in the provision of adequate security. Acknowledging the relevance of co-producing community policing (CP) outcomes in neighbourhood crime management, this study critically examines the awareness, knowledge, understanding, and effectiveness of community policing strategies in North-Western Ghana. In a mixed methods research design, the study revealed a low level of awareness of community policing strategies in North-Western Ghana, which constrains the efforts to initiate and benefit from the outcomes of co-producing community policing. Consequently, knowledge, understanding, and effectiveness of community policing strategies appear very limited and, therefore, draw back the desire for inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities as detailed in SDG 11. Restoring community watch committees and enkindling effective co-production of community policing outcomes are critical parts to the global crime management strategies.



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How to Cite

Okoro, J. P., Bagson, E., & Derbile , E. K. (2024). Exploring the scale and scope of community policing in North-Western Ghana. Journal of Planning and Land Management, 3(2), 27–36. https://doi.org/10.36005/jplm.v3i2.82



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