Assessing the factors influencing the patronage of hotels in Wa Municipality: Implications for hotel management in Ghana


  • ibrahim Kaleem Management Studies, Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies


Hotel, Hospitality, Service Delivery, Management, Ghana


Hotels have become an important source of accommodation in recent times. However, studies on the elements that affect locals' use of hotels are scarce overall in the Wa Municipality. To understand how locals in Wa Municipality use hotels, this study collects empirical data from guests and hotel workers. Questionnaires and interviews were used in collecting data from 55 hotel quest and managers. The findings demonstrate that customer satisfaction has increased because of residents' growing preference for holding ceremonial events, such as wedding receptions, at hotels. Locals frequently rely on recommendations from friends and family as reliable sources of information, and the cost of services has a significant impact on the hotel that they choose. The findings also suggest that offering better services at reasonable costs may increase local citizens' spending within the city. The results indicate that hotel management could enhance customer service and the surrounding area to draw in more local clients.


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How to Cite

Kaleem, ibrahim. (2024). Assessing the factors influencing the patronage of hotels in Wa Municipality: Implications for hotel management in Ghana. Journal of Planning and Land Management, 3(1), 17–25. Retrieved from



Development Studies